The Farmer

Elizabeth Ries is a television and radio personality in the Twin Cities. She spent years as a news anchor/reporter, but is now the co-host of Twin Cities Live weekdays at 3 pm on 5 Eyewitness News (KSTP). She chats about pop culture, celebrity gossip and manages to get a few pro-kale statements on the air when she co-hosts the Margery & Elizabeth show on myTalk 107.1. Elizabeth also frequently contributes articles on food and urban farming to edible Twin Cities magazine.

Elizabeth loves to cook for her boyfriend fiancé husband Jay and their friends. She also regularly shares recipes with her sisters: Katie (a Lutheran challah bread baker and aspiring cheese monger in Chicago Minneapolis) and Jenny (the poached-egg master cooking in a tiny New York City kitchen a darling Minneapolis apartment).

With a husband, comes a hunting dog. Elizabeth and Jay adopted Gracie the German Shorthaired Pointer in March of 2014. They fondly refer to her as “The Wild Woman.”


Her mom, Susie, saw Elizabeth start as a girl who started a package of frozen spinach on fire in the microwave (I didn’t realize I had to take off the foil wrapping!) but grow into a woman who bought a house on a Tuesday and hosted a dinner party that Friday (no fires at that one!).

By her side always is her trusty Westie, Henry. No one loves to lick bowls more than him.

Henry licking a bowl


26 thoughts on “The Farmer

    • Nice blog! All the sisters are together . How exciting you are never going to work again after the baby comes. I found you just recently when I turned on “My Talk” again. I like the way it’s going you brought class, respect, dignity, and a little kale. now that it is returning to a more positive spin I am back in. Thank you for that I have to break from Gaiam TV once in a while. They won’t let me have chickens in Apple Valley. I hope you link to your FaceBook account. That would be good for The Farmer.

  1. Elizabeth, I’m such a fan of you as a person – from 107.1 and TCL. When I heard about the launch of your blog and your mission to create an urban farm of sorts (complete with chickens!) in your Longfellow home/yard, it only made my girl crush bigger. Best of luck to you!

    • Elizabeth, love this site, We talked va email a few years back re: Hen’s in Eden Prairie. Now the city council has a site up for residences of E.P. on changing the law to have 4-6 back yard hens. They vote on line or go to the meetings 6:30 open potem every 1 &3rd Tuesday. Please add your thoughts to the city council. You can see my thoughts and vote for me, Brinn Marie Witt and the Hens. It would be really cool if you could show up @ a meeting. The site won’t be up for long, Now is our BIG CHANCE. Please tell all your friends about this. The more votes of yes Hens would be a Huge B-day present for me and others Aug. 22. Yep, you are a girl crush, Thanks much !

  2. Over the weekend I heard you on 107.1 talking about the launch of your blog and your mission to create an urban farm/homestead in your Longfellow home/yard – complete with chickens! You are such a gem and we are lucky to have you as a Twin Cities TV/radio personality and a neighbor. Best of luck to you!

  3. Hi Elizabeth. Your grandmother (my aunt Eunice) tipped me off that you had embarked on this venture. I think that is super, and the website looks great. As you may or may not know, I sometimes teach sustainable agriculture at the University of Denver and founded a permaculture garden on campus (and in my yard). I’d get chickens at the house, but I don’t want the battle with the foxes that den in my back yard…. So I’ll settle for a bee hive. Best wishes. Now I have to go plant peas that I’ve been soaking overnight….

    David Ciepley

  4. GREAT job on the blog E!! I have always been the biggest fan of your cooking and now will be able to snag your recipes without even having to call you! HA!…actually, I love our chats to much to give that up!

  5. Love your blog, Elizabeth. Will be following you here too. Your 107.1 Dirt Alerts are fun and get me home during the work week with interest & a laugh. How do you get a word in with Laurie & Julia? Working keeps me from watching TCL, but I catch what I can online. Best wishes!

  6. Hi Elizabeth.. I met you at the Garlic Festival, you were talking about your chickens and your garden. I have chickens as well 30 of them and your so right they do have their own personalities!! We also have 54 broilers and getting 50more this week! LOVE the blog!!

  7. Hi Elizabeth. This is your cousin, David, again. I’m in Minneapolis tomorrow through Saturday for a wedding, and it just dawned on me that you are there and I should mention that I’ll be in town. I’m sorry I don’t have normal email for you. Hopefully this will serve. Give me a call at 720-345-9490 if you might have the time to get together. I may well be going to the county fair on Saturday if you are going. I’d love to see your place as well. But many things to do and little time.


  8. I just want you to know I love your TCL show and when my husband works in the Twin Cities area I watch you and John everyday!! Keep up the good work and I will also follow your Homestead Blog too 🙂

  9. Elizabeth – Great shout out on the Food In Jars blog! Marissa’s book is my new go-to for all things preserved! The segment was great!

  10. hi… I think that you have found what is important in life and have been able to turn your passion into something more…. more importantly… sharing your passion with all of us… i watch you on tcl and your eyes light up during the cooking segments… i wish you the best of luck with all that you do. your dimples are deeper and your smile shines when you talk about your new adventure in home to homestead. congratulations!

  11. Elizabeth,
    I had been a guest on TCL in the past for cooking post Pillsbury Bake-Off. My company, Bovine Basics, also was on in the past for our manure product via the Living Green Expo. I would love to give you a couple of bags of our natural soil supplement in our effort to replace peat (bad for the environment). Good luck with the gardening!

  12. Hi Elizabeth! I am a regular (I mean errrday!) listener of FM107.1, and my S.O. and I are huge gardeners. Last night, after making a dinner of basically all fresh produce from our garden, we joked about missing only the meat and cheese – and then we looked at each other and laughed. Hmmmm. . . Meat and cheese – goats and chickens! My thoughts then went to you! Do you have some links to resources on raising chickens? We first need to determine if our city will allow it. My S.O. grew up on a farm, so I have no doubt we can tackle the chickens as a starter.

  13. Elizabeth and Jay,

    Congratulations and my best wishes for you and your marriage.

    Your willingness to share information on both 107.1 and KSTP5 make people like me hope that there is a person who is destined for each of us.


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